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Mary and the loves in her life

Ah love... What a beautiful, confusing, terrifying part of our human existence! Whether it's Valentines Day or not, everyone deserves to feel all the love they can in their life. There are definitely a few things everyone can do to inspire that deep, warm, feeling in your belly! So we sat down with the beautiful Mary Kant, who is not only an inspirational Yoga teacher and empowering social influencer, but is only weeks away from marrying the love of her life. We decided to pick her brain about all things love, considering the air is full of it this week!

What does ‘love’ mean to you?

This is what I wrote on my Instagram a while ago about love. What is love? Do you know what it is? The term 'love' is thrown around freely these days, used unsparingly to describe anything from breakfast to bathrooms. Undermining the magic and mystery of its true form and meaning. "I love Mangos, Justin Bieber or a Perfect Sunset." Is this 'love' the same as the 'love' you feel for your husband, daughter, sister, mother, lover, even your pet? I used to think I knew what love was. Just another emotion, something you feel for someone or something more than you would another. But is love really just an emotion? Or is it more than that? Love... It is imperfect, unique, fragile, unstructured, jealous, outspoken, unreligious, determined. It is the perfect creation of curiosity. I believe it is something mystifying and unexplained and felt with experiences. Felt with the moments that makes us question everything. It is knowing and unknown. It is how you see it, how you feel it, how you forget it. It is every spelling mistake. The lack of trust in your judgment. The way it can make you cry with sadness or cry with joy. The way it pushes you beyond all limits so it hurts you so much, but then you look at that person and see they are there for you. You grow more together so love can keep growing and changing. Love is constant. To love and be loved and be pushed to your very core that you know what the very meaning of this life is. Love. Love makes the world go around. Whether you love a mango or you love your husband, feel it more than an emotion. Feel it like it hurts but is pleasure all at once. Love is felt on a thousand levels. It is the future, the past and everything in between.

yogi peace club mantras and mangos mary kant love

Do you have any mantras you try to incorporate into your relationships?

“Live with love, in love, through love, from love” and “Corinthians 13:4-7 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.  Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. Love never fails”

yogi peace club mantras and mangos love mary kant

What do you love most about yourself?

I love that I’m tolerant, patient and that I have the ability to inspire and help people. I love that I can adapt to any situation and always try and look at the positives in every part of life.

What are you most excited about in taking this next step with Bowen?

That I finally get to call him my husband and we become a family. Marriage has always been so important to me and I’m excited to be able to marry my twin flame, love of my life and man of my dreams very soon!

yogi peace club mantras and mangos love mary kant eco yoga mat

What are a few things that bring love into your life?

The little things.. a cup of coffee, the sun creeping through the blinds in the morning, a hug from a friend, a kiss on the forehead, vegan ice cream and Netflix!

yogi peace club mantras and mangos love mary kant

What is your favourite heart opening Yoga pose?

Wild thing, camel and reclined butterfly pose with a block! Soooo good

How would you like to bring a little more Love into the world?

More random acts of kindness and choosing love over fear, always.

yogi peace club mantras and mangos mary kant love

In the spirit of love this week we are offering 30% off all Lotus printed products and our pink Yoga towel. Click here to shop and enter the code 'LOVE' at checkout. Lotus Pink and Lotus Blue Round Yoga mats only $104.99, Lotus Pink and Blue regular Yoga mats only $83.99, Lotus Love tanks both in white and dusty pink $34.99, and our Desert Flower Yoga towel $55.99.