Yoga Poses to open your heart
The heart, there are so many things to say about this complicated, yet incredible organ. A central system of what makes us human, our emotions, our feelings, and sometimes our vulnerabilities. Yoga gives us an amazing opportunity to physically and energetically explore this complex area. In the spirit of love, we have decided to explore a few postures to open your heart space, working any one of these into your practice after opening and warming the body to begin with. Paired with a deep, steady breath, remembering in any backbend the intention is never to 'bend the back' but to extend through the front of the body. Lets celebrate love by opening our hearts a little more this week!
A great variation of this pose is baby cobra, either supported or unsupported.
An extremely strong pose, that often takes years until it's safe to explore. Another beautiful variation is bridge pose.
Always important to be open throughout the body before diving into this asana, a great peak pose towards the end of your practice. Simply taking the heal to the glute with the knee drawing towards the earth is a great variation for those exploring their balance.
Another extremely deep pose to be cautious with, it's always beautiful to begin with your hands supporting your low back to ensure the strength of your core can hold your weight before taking your hands to your heels.