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Meet Our Muse: @LOVELUDIE

We are so excited to finally be able to share our very exciting collaboration with local artist, Jenna Hutchison. The creative behind the dreamy @loveludie Instagram.
We wanted to collaborate with Jenna to inspire yogis to follow their creative dreams and give back to a cause close to Jenna's heart by donating 10% of proceeds from this collaboration to The Andrew Love Cancer Centre in Geelong. 
Giving back to The Andrew Love Cancer Centre is very close to Jenna's heart and a foundation that we feel very honoured to be able to support. We hope that through this collaboration we can support the beautiful team of heroes that give back to those dealing with Cancer in our community and their loved ones. 
You can meet our muse Jenna Hutchison (Love Ludie) below to discover more about Jenna's creative journey and her decision to support The Andrew Love Cancer Centre. 
You can purchase our Love Ludie X Yogi Peace Club Tshirt HERE.

YPC: Tell us a little bit about yourself?

LL: My name is Jenna, I am now (very proudly) a full time artist, living and working in Torquay, VIC. I started LOVE LUDIE about 5 years ago...Ludie was the name of my imaginary friend when I was little so every aspect of the brand itself and the path it has taken has branched from my imagination, and then bringing that to life. I love yoga, the ocean, my friends, my family...and my amazing dog GG. :)

YPC: Where do you find inspiration for your artwork?

LL: Anywhere and everywhere, a lot of my initial inspiration came from the ocean and reef like imagery. I LOVE the ocean so a lot of my earlier works were definitely inspired by textures and allll the blues :) But in saying that - the inspiration for my new collection came from a key ring sitting on a coffee yeah as i said...anywhere and everywhere haha

YPC: What has been your highlight in your creative journey so far?

LL: There have been so many and I can't believe I have only been painting full time for 12 months - that in itself is definitely a highlight. 

Also the Microsoft dinner. I have created works for so many different people around the country. 

I sold one of my 'Welcome to Mars' pieces to a 17 year old girl that had saved up all her money in a zip lock bag....that to me was really special.


YPC: What is your morning ritual?  

LL: Coffee - so cliché but can't start my day without it, I've recently shifted to a double short black and its nice and punchy and really gets me going. I try to sit down for about an hour and go through emails from the nigh before etc, plan my day...then I  always walk out into the studio and light some incense or a candle and start painting. 

I never used to have structured hours for work but over the last few months I have noticed I have started to do it naturally, which is nice, I think routine is important without feeling too boxed in.

YPC: What activities (apart from painting) bring you joy? 

LL: I absolutely love cooking and making pasta, I think since art became a full time career, I have found myself cooking a lot more as it is another form of a creative outlet. 

I also find a lot of joy just being outdoors and spending time by the ocean or in nature - but I can also find a lot of Joy binge watching Netflix on the couch. I guess i find joy in the freedom to choose what i want to do, and being able to do exactly that. 

YPC: Who inspires you?

LL: Ludie :)

YPC: Why have you chosen ALCC as your chosen charity?

LL: Andrew Love is very close to my heart, before losing my dad in 2012 he spent a lot of time at the Andrew Love Cancer Centre, they gave so much to us throughout that time so it will be really nice to have the opportunity to give back some of that love.

YPC: How are you styling your YPC X LL tee?

LL: Definitely with bike shorts


Quick 5 Questions- 

1.What is your favourite quote?

LL: I love quotes, I used to post them almost every day in my is so hard to pick one. but there is one i always relay in my head when fear or doubt creeps in around my work and opportunities that arise and that is.

"if not me, then who - "if not now, then when"

2.What is your favourite yoga pose?

LL: I love practicing headstands, but I think my favourite and most effective pose for me and my body is pigeon pose. Stretching out my hips and releasing any pressure or emotions.

3. What is your favourite food?

LL: Oh my gosh - that's impossible, I literally love everything. I'm such a foodie - But i absolutely love sour cream or anything with sour cream on it haha

4.What is your favourite song?

Farlouma - These are just place to me now

5.What is your favourite holiday destination?

LL: I love so many different places, for so many different reasons. With the world having slowed and practically shut down for almost 2 years now it's hard to pinpoint a favourite because I'd just love to go ANYWHERE haha. I absolutely love South Africa for sentimental reasons, Bali for a fun holiday in the Sun, and Croatia for culture and history...and those salty salty waters :)