Yogi Peace Club's Guide To Owning Your Own Mat
This is an incredibly difficult and confusing time for everyone. In light of this global pandemic, we know a lot of studios have revised their yoga mat and prop policy, with students now being made to bring their own yoga equipment to class. As well as many others shutting their doors completely and Melbourne residents being restricted back Isolating in their homes.
While you can usually rent a mat at a yoga studio, it's a good idea to buy your own. It will pay for itself pretty quickly so you don't have to wait and see if this yoga thing sticks before taking the plunge into mat ownership. While your commitment to yoga doesn't need to influence your decision, your feelings about other people's sweat and bodily fluids should. Shared mats can also harbour bacteria, including staph, and fungus.
But, the best thing about owning your own yoga mat is that you can do yoga anywhere. Take it with you on camping trips, to the beach or simply set up a home practice and create your at home haven.
With many of you taking the steps to purchase your own mat we have curated the below tips for owning and looking after your new mat:
- New mats can be a little slippery. After a few classes, the problem usually goes away as you wear in the mat. If it doesn't, try washing it gently as this can accelerate the process. Skip the soap and hang it to dry. Don't Over Clean
- After each use carefully roll up your mat, if using it at home or as home decor make sure not to leave it in any harsh sun rays or anywhere that it is likely to get dirty such as a walk way.
- Because we tend to be obsessed with cleanliness, don't overdo it. Unless you get really sweaty, you don't need to spend a lot of time cleaning your mat after each yoga session. Yoga studios often provide mat cleaners, but you may want to avoid them if you don't know what's in the spray bottle. They are mostly intended for shared studio mats. If you have your own mat, you probably only need to clean it occasionally. Over cleaning it is not going to improve its performance or make it last longer.
- Finally, enjoy your new mat and love your practise!