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5 Minutes with Yoga Patch

5 Minutes with Yoga Patch - Yogi Peace Club

We caught up with the beautiful Patch Thompson to talk all things Yoga. Patch is an incredible Teacher at Yoke Yoga, Torquay. Her down to earth, original style is infectious, and leaves you feeling empowered and inspired after every class. We got to get her perspective on yoga, wellness and how to live a healthy, balanced lifestyle. 


1. What Things do you like to do that make you feel Happy?

I love being in the ocean, it keeps my soul full for weeks and weeks. At the moment, I've been so busy that I haven't been in the ocean for over a month and I can feel it in my mind and body. I need to go for a surf ASAP!


2. What do you do when you want absolute down time?

A glass of wine and a bath!


3. What do you think anyone could do if they wanted to Improve their Health, Wellness and the way they Felt?

 I think a clear optimistic mind is so essential to improve overall wellbeing. This is usually sparked by healthy eating habits and exercise. In order to maintain optimal health for longevity it is important to be able to sustain your exercise and eating patterns, so finding movement and foods that excite you is a must. I love movement, whether that be yoga, dancing, walking and I have surfed my entire life so I guess I don't see these activities as exercise at all! Find something that you love, create rituals and make them everlasting!


4. What is a Mantra (or) Mantra’s you love to live by?

Mantra can be defined as sound. That could be singing, or chanting or a saying that you love that keeps you inspired. I love the traditional OM at the end of every yoga class :)


5. What is your favourite Yoga pose?

Ohhhh I think this changes all the time! At the moment I'm really enjoying Anahata - puppy pose. I love how it gets deep into my shoulders and chest. 


6. As a dedicated Yogi what type of Yoga do you practice? 


I practice mainly vinyasa yoga, but definitely enjoy all styles. Each yoga style has a deep specific focus and you can learn so much from enjoying a little of each. For example Iyengar is very alignment, which teaches me to be patient and feel the subtle-ties of of tiny shifts. Ashtanga is very regimented and teaches me to remain focused. But I find that vinyasa is very expressive, very free, very spacious. 


7. What do you love most about teaching yoga?

When people talk to me about how yoga has changed their life- that is the reason why I teach. This practice can be so transforming and can shift your path in ways in which we will never know. To be able to open someones eyes to that......who wouldn't want to teach? 


9.When you wake up in the morning what is the First thing you do?



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Follow Patch's journey on her Instagram @yogapatch

Click here to SHOP Patch's looks!