Yogi Diaries: Melodie Shakespear @melodie.shakespear
To celebrate Happi Yogi Week we caught up with YPC Muse, Surfer & Model, Melodie Shakespear. Melodie is the face of our Happi Yogi Collection, with a contagious smile she radiates positive vibes which made her the perfect yogi for our Happi Yogi campaign!
We caught up with Melodie to ask her a few questions on how she brings happiness into her daily routine.
You can follow Melodie @melodie.shakespear

YPC: Tell us a little bit about yourself?
Melodie: Hey, I'm Melodie and I'm a 23-year-old British girl from a beautiful, small beach town called St Ives. My fiancé and I recently moved over and have absolutely fallen in love with Phillip Island and now call it our home away from home. My whole life revolves around the ocean and has since i can remember as i grew up travelling around Europe with my family in various campervans being home schooled on the beach, it was pretty cool to say the least. I will always cherish those incredible memories. Growing up that way has definitely made me into the person I am today (someone who loves to be outdoors, surfing, at the beach, with family and friends.)

YPC: What is your morning ritual?
Melodie: Most mornings if I'm not working i wake up, give our little puppy Ziggy his brekky, make a coffee or earl grey tea (depending on what i feel like), i like to take my tea or coffee outside onto the decking and take in what the day has to offer and watch Ziggy play around in the grass. I then usually walk the puppy to the beach to check the surf and have a run, we are so grateful to only be a five-minute walk from the beach, we are also usually the only ones down there, it's our favourite time of day! After our walk/run I head home and make Harry and I a smoothie bowl or something yummy. Mornings are definitely the best part of the day for me i just love how peaceful and relaxing they are.

YPC: What activities bring you joy?
Melodie: Surfing is an activity that brings me the most joy, it just makes me feel so at ease and relaxed. You can paddle out and feel like you don't have a care in the world. I also love to paint, if I'm ever having a down day, I love to pick up my paint brushes and pour my emotions onto a canvas, it's the best therapy! Another activity that brings me so much joy is having long walks along the beach barefoot dipping in and out of the ocean and rock pools.

YPC: What are your top 3 tips for feeling happy from within?
Melodie:My top 3 tips for feeling happy within are;
- treat yourself with kindness and compassion, don't be too hard on yourself.
- try to do something you enjoy every day - a walk along the beach, surfing, yoga, reading, listening to yoga etc., this enables you to not focus on the things that are troubling you and more on the things that make you truly happy.
- don't strive to be like someone else, love who YOU are and try not to care what other people think of you.

YPC: What is your favourite Happy Recipe?
Melodie: Laughing and having fun with my friends and family is the best recipe for happiness, being around people who make you feel special and bring you joy everyday are ones you need to keep close. I also love to get outside every day and immerse myself into nature and life's beautiful surroundings, i guarantee if you're having a bad day and you have a walk along the beach or through the park your day will get so so much better. Also exercise releases so much stress and bad vibes, I try and do some sort of exercise everyday whether it's yoga, surfing or a walk/run.

YPC: How does surfing bring you happiness?
Melodie: Surfing brings me so much happiness because it's something I can do and feel so free, you can paddle out and not have a care in the world. I feel so grateful every day to be able to surf. There is just something so magical being surrounded by the crystal-clear ocean, the sound of the waves crashing and the feeling of taking off on that wave that is all yours to play and do as you please on. Surfing is also very special to me as I grew up watching my mum dance along the waves, even though I live on the other side of the world to her it makes me feel so close to her as I know she's doing the same in England. I also met Harry (my fiancé) surfing which makes it even more magical!
Melodie is Happi Jumper available here ($89.99) & the Spice Yoga Leggings & Bra set available here ($139.99)
Shop 10% off the entire Happi Yogi Collection this week with code: BEHAPPI