International Womens Day ~ Being a Woman, a Yogi + Owning a Business

Today is International Womens Day. International Women’s Day is celebrated around the world on the 8th of March. It is a day to truly reflect on how far we have come, and how far we still have to go to achieve gender equality. Personally, I feel so blessed to work in an environment where women play such vital role. The yoga world is filled with empowering and inspirational women.
For me the yoga space is sacred, it is a place where women can come together without ego, competitiveness, inequality or fear. It is a space where women can simply be.

Today, in Western culture yoga has a reputation as a female-dominated practice. However, up until the 1930's classic yoga was a male-only practice. The “first lady of yoga” Indra Devi was accepted to study under Sri Krishnamacharya in 1937. This is so surprising, because when I walk into most yoga classes there is usually a 70:30 ratio of women to men. Imagine if this gender equality existed in other areas of our life. So why is it that women have such an incredible connection to yoga?
Of course Yoga is a very good way for women to stay strong and fit. However, it not only keeps them fit in terms of their external body, but also perfectly regulates the hormonal secretions and can be very effective for addressing many mental issues like stress, depression, anxiety, etc. With a regular yoga practice women can have better physical and mental health.
Personally I feel as women we are pulled in so many directions in this fast paced world, as mothers, students, grandmothers, carers, but also with working long hours and financial burdens due to challenges in life. So coming to our yoga mats is a time to feel grounded and maybe gather perspective on life's struggles.
This year, Australia’s theme for International Womens Day is "BREAK THE BIAS".
Yoga is often used as a platform for women to come together. It gives us tools to cope in life by keeping our bodies strong and our minds calm. To me, International Womens Day is a reminder of how important yoga is in not only bringing women together, but also empowering us and allowing us to have a sense that we are all humans and deserve to be treated as equal.
Yoga is often used as a platform for women to come together. It gives us tools to cope in life by keeping our bodies strong and our minds calm. To me, International Womens Day is a reminder of how important yoga is in not only bringing women together, but also empowering us and allowing us to have a sense that we are all humans and deserve to be treated as equal.

A challenged world is an alert world, and from challenge comes change.
Our mission at Yogi Peace Club is to build a workplace where women can thrive and feel supported. We are following these steps in our work and we hope this transcends onto our customers. I feel so grateful to have such a beautiful team of girls. They are so inspiring, smart and highly aware of what it takes to be a woman in the modern world. Ways we feel we can create a more equal world include; celebrating and recognised women's achievements, Raising awareness against bias, And taking action to make a stand for equality.