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There are many environmental benefits of the Yogi Peace Club Yoga mats as opposed to regular PVC yoga mats. Working for a surf company that specialised in rubber footwear for the past 10 years I have learnt a lot about rubber, PVC and plastics. 

PVC is the single worst plastic according to several health organizations. Greenpeace has been lobbying to stop the use of PVC because of the dioxin produced during its manufacture. Toxic for humans and the environment and unfortunately many yoga mats are 100% PVC. 

Yoga mats made with PVC can also contain chemicals like phthalates, which are used to make PVC flexible. Phthalates are linked to reproductive issues including shorter pregnancy duration and premature breast development in girls. Phthalates can leach out over time, especially in warmer temperatures like those found in many hot yoga studios. Phthalate particles can also cling to dust, which can be inhaled.

Yogi Peace Club Yoga mats are made of Luxurious Micro Fibre on top which is heat bonded to 100% natural biodegradable tree rubber/recycled tree rubber. 

Although research specifically examining yoga mats is limited, studies of other household products made with PVC materials have found that they can emit chemicals that pollute the air. Also, in order to make yoga mats with PVC, potentially harmful chemicals like chlorine gas, ethylene dichloride, vinyl chloride, mercury, and dioxins may be used and released into the environment which can be carcinogenic for the workers. PVC does not readily degrade and when it does it gives off a number of toxic materials. 

 So when shopping for a yoga mat keep these things in mind. Ask your self....What is my yoga mat made of? Is it biodegradable? Are there unnecessary chemicals added to into my mat? Does it smell toxic?

Some other great features of the Yogi Peace Club Mats include:

Every mat comes with durable carrying strap. The strap is also excellent for use in your yoga class.

They are light weight and Great for travelling. They weigh 2.4 kilos. Perfect size for the plane.

Eco-friendly, biodegradable, recyclable 100% natural tree rubber, water based inks.

Free from the nasties - latex, silicone, toxic glue, PVC, Chlorine and Phthalates

The mat has zero odour. No toxic smell.

Each mat has been designed with alignment in mind. Use the print to position your feet in the correct place each time you are in an asana.

No more stinky mats. Go to your class with a clean and fresh mat.

To ecologically re-energise your yoga mat leave in the rain, wipe down and dry in the sun

The more you sweat the better the grip. Once you get warm the mat becomes grippier. 

Perfect for Yoga, Bikram, hot yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa, pilates, and general exercise classes. 

The extra cushion, rubber stability, and responsive grip can help to reduce injuries .


Notes on PVC was Sourced from: 

Yoga Journal BY MIKE SCHADE  |  MAR 23, 2015


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